Saturday, December 20, 2008

American Medical Association Complete Guide to Men's Health

0471414115, 978-0471414117

If you're male and have a health question, this is the place to find an answer. This ambitious, 500-page book from the American Medical Association is a thorough guide for keeping a man's body healthy, making sense of his system, and understanding specific health concerns. Part 1, "The Healthy Man," gives a quick overview of diet, exercise, weight management, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and safety in 40 pages, including information you think you should know but maybe don't, like how to read a food label, manage medications, and check for home safety hazards. Part 2, "Staying Healthy," goes into more detail about diet, exercise, and weight management, and introduces preventive healthcare (e.g., medical screening tests and self-examinations), emotional health, and avoiding risky behavior and violence. Part 3, "The Reproductive System," covers male sexuality, including reproductive disorders, STDs, birth control, and treatments for erectile dysfunction. Part 4, "Common Health Concerns," comprising more than half the book, covers common male medical conditions and how to prevent and/or treat them. The writing is straightforward and serious (no wittiness or jokes), like a consultation with a trusted physician. The book covers so many topics that its treatment of any one condition is far from comprehensive, but it's an excellent reference and a starting place for learning about your health issues.

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1 Comment:

prabhavathi said...